Blepharoplasty is Eyelid Surgery
Blepharoplasty is Eyelid Surgery
Cosmetic eyelid lift surgery, also called blepharoplasty, removes the drooping skin of upper eyelids that can cause you to look constantly tired. It also eliminates bags under the eyes and tightens the lower eyelid skin. The result is a brighter, more alert and rested appearance.
If you are considering eyelid plastic surgery or blepharoplasty, you need to be thoroughly informed about the cosmetic procedure. Reading this is the first step. A confidential consultation with one of our specialist surgeons is the best way to obtain the additional information you will need.
Any one or a combination of the following conditions may indicate that you are a good candidate for eyelid surgery:
Excess skin obscuring the natural fold of the upper eyelids
Loose skin hanging from the upper eyelids, perhaps impairing vision
A puffy appearance to the upper eyelids, making the eyes look tired
Excess skin of the lower eyelids
Droopiness of the lower eyelids
Eyelid surgery can usually correct these problems, although other treatments may be considered.
Eyelid Surgery Consultation
During the consultation you will be asked about the results you would like to achieve from eyelid surgery. This will help your surgeon to understand your expectations and determine whether they can realistically be achieved.
In evaluating your suitability for this cosmetic procedure your cosmetic surgeon will assess the amount of excess fat and skin in the eyelid areas, the position of your eyebrows, and the condition of the muscles around your eyelids.
Eyelid Surgery
For upper eyelid surgery, generally an incision is hidden in the natural fold of the upper eyelids and extends slightly beyond the outside corner into the existing creases. Excess skin can then be removed. Because the incision follows the natural contour of the upper eyelids, it will be well camouflaged when healed.
For lower eyelid surgery, generally an incision is made just below the lower lashes. Excess skin and fat can then be removed. As in upper eyelid lifts, the incision is well camouflaged by natural creases.
Aesthetic eyelid lift has the effect of making you look more rested, refreshed and alert. Even though the ageing process continues, patients are usually happy with their appearance for many years following eyelid surgery.
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