Dr. Jerry Tan, FRCPC
Dr. Jerry Tan, FRCPC
The Healthy Image Centre
2224 Walker Rd., #300
Windsor, Ontario N8W 5L7
Ph: 519-971-9542
Fax: 519-971-8672
Email: contact@healthyimagecentre.com
The Healthy Image Centre is a complete cosmetic surgical facility located in Windsor, Ontario. It offers a wide variety of cosmetic treatments including
facial peels, injectable fillers, Botox, laser treatments for facial wrinkles and
veins, and liposuction.
Our patient's safety and comfort is our priority and we consider every procedure performed at The Healthy Image Centre to be important. Our staff wants you to feel comfortable, secure and well informed before proceeding with your treatment.
Dr. Tan and his staff regularly attend training courses and educational symposia
to keep abreast of the newest trends and developments.
Our staff will provide you with comprehensive written instructions to answer
commonly asked questions prior to your treatment. Our qualified nursing staff
will provide full assistance during this important period.
Copyright © 2006. Dr. Jerry Tan, FRCPC. All Rights Reserved.
