Dr. W. Bryan Callaghan, FRCSC
Dr. W. Bryan Callaghan, FRCSC
200-139 Greenbank Rd,
Ottawa, Ontario K2H 9A5
Tel: (613) 721-6463
Email: info@callaghanplasticsurgery.com
At our office in the West End of Ottawa the
consultation, patient selection, pre-op education
and post-op care are provided with the help of an
experienced and dedicated staff. O.R. Nursing Team
Our nurse specialist, an RN with accreditation in skin care and aesthetics, adds a
special dimension in supportive patient care and counselling of our
Our nurse manager is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgical
Nurses (Canadian Chapter).
Our surgical facility is a unique arrangement whereby the ambulatory surgical suite of a small local hospital (Carleton Place Hospital) is contracted privately for the dedicated use by Dr. Callaghan, to provide the highest quality and safety
standards for his cosmetic surgery patients.
Registered Nurses and qualified anaesthesiologists complete the professional team, and the surgical equipment is state-of-the-art. This arrangement affords an atmosphere of privacy and safety for our patients, and provides the opportunity for an overnight stay on the rare occasion that this is required.
We are committed to providing our patients with a
full range of cosmetic plastic procedures in a warm,
caring and safe environment. Please select from
the links above to access information for each
Alternately, please select a procedure from the list below:
breast augmentation
breast lift
abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
non surgical procedures
Dr. Callaghan's five main areas of plastic surgery specialization are:
facial cosmetic surgery: facelift, browlift, blepharoplasty and rhinoplasty
breast augmentation with saline and cohesive gel breast implants
breast lift with or without breast impants
abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
liposuction alone or together with abdominoplasty
Copyright 2005. Dr. W. Bryan Callaghan, FRCSC
