Face Lifts
Face Lifts
A face lift, also called Rhytidectomy, smoothes the loose skin on your face and neck, tightens underlying tissue and can remove excess fat. As a result, your face will appear firmer and fresher. Many people find that having a facelift helps them look as good as they feel.
If you are considering facelift surgery, you need to be thoroughly informed about the procedure. Reading this is the first step. A confidential consultation with one of our specialist surgeons is the best way to obtain the additional information you will need.
Face Lift Benefits
Face Lifts restores smoother, more pleasing contours to your face and neck. One or more of the following conditions may indicate that you are a good candidate for a facelift:
Jowls or loss of a well defined jaw line
Deep wrinkles in the cheeks and sagging around the cheekbones
Loose skin, wrinkles, vertical "cords" or excess fatty tissue in the neck
A facelift can improve all of these problems. It cannot, however, correct conditions such as sagging eyebrows, excess skin in the upper and lower eyelids or wrinkles around the mouth. Further information can be provided if you have an interest in other procedures to treat these areas.
Face Lift Consultation
During the consultation you will be asked about the results you would like to achieve from face lifts. This will help your surgeon to understand your expectations and determine whether they can realistically be achieved. In evaluating your suitability for facelift surgery, your surgeon will assess the thickness, texture and elasticity of your skin, and the severity of the wrinkles and folds. Your hairline will be examined to determine where incisions can be discreetly placed. All of these factors, as well as your bone structure and underlying tissue, will be considered in developing a personal treatment plan. Your surgeon may discuss additional procedures that can be performed along with a face lift in order to address all of the concerns you have identified.
Face Lift Surgery
Individual factors and personal preferences will determine the specific technique selected for your facelift. Your surgeon will discuss with you the particular method that he or she recommends for achieving the best result in your particular case. Generally, an incision is hidden in the natural contour of your ear, and then extends around the earlobe and back into the hairline. Through the discreet incision, your surgeon is able to free the skin from the underlying tissue. After the skin has been pulled up and back, the excess is removed. In some instances, the deeper tissues may also need to be repositioned. The procedure may also include the removal of fatty tissue from the area underneath the chin.
The results of your face lift may be dramatic or subtle, depending on how you looked before surgery. Since the healing process is gradual, you should expect to wait several weeks for an accuate picture of your "new look".
Face & Neck Lift -- What is it?
What does the operation entail?
Surgeon To The Stars' goal is to make your surgical experience as easy and as comfortable as possible. Facelift surgery usually requires a general anaesthetic to be administered so that you will be asleep throughout the procedure. After surgery you will be asked to restrict your activities and simply relax for a few days.
Generally, the greatest amount of swelling occurs 24 to 48 hours after surgery, but it may take several weeks before all the puffiness is resolved. Most bruising will disappear within two weeks. After a few days, you will be permitted to wear make-up, which will help to conceal any discoloration. You will also experience some numbness in the facial area, which may be present for several weeks. Stitches are usually removed in stages over a period of 5 - 10 days.
When can I resume my normal activities?
Recovery time varies among individuals. In many instances, you will be able to resume most of your normal activities within two to three weeks and begin to exercise four weeks after surgery.
How is the Surgeon To The Stars' ongoing relationship with me?
You will return to Surgeon To The Stars for follow-up care with your surgeon or Surgeon To The Stars' nursing staff at prescribed intervals, at which time your progress will be evaluated. Please remember that your relationship with Surgeon To The Stars and your surgeon does not end when the immediate post-operative follow-up is complete. If you have questions or concerns during your recovery, or need additional information at any time, you should contact Surgeon To The Stars for advice or further consultation.
Once you determine that a facelift is something you would like to do for yourself then you are ready to proceed with planning for your operation. We understand that this is an important decision in your life.
Our surgeons care about your total well-being. Using surgical skills that have been developed over many years of training and experience, they can help you gain the benefits of facelift surgery.
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