Customer Service:
Toll Free Phone: 1-888-689-9876
Toll Free Fax: 1-888-689-9862
Mailing Address:
55 Bloor Street West
PO Box 19645
Toronto, Ontario
M4W 3T9
Medicard's financing programs ensure that you don't delay your treatment due to cost concerns by offering you a variety of financing terms with convenient monthly payments.
We will pay your doctor or service provider in full now and you can repay us in affordable monthly payments.
With Medicard you get the best benefits:
High approval rate
Competitive interest rates
Quick, confidential process
Low monthly payments
No prepayment penalty
Medicard offers a simple and affordable way to finance your medical care and allows you to immediately acquire the care you desire. The ideal alternative to writing a cheque.
To apply, complete our short online application or call us at:
1. Determine how much money you would like to finance.
Medicard can finance the entire procedure or a portion. You decide.
Medicard can pre-approve an approximate amount. This allows you the flexibility to choose your physician and procedure date with the comfort of knowing that financing has been confirmed. Upon finalizing these decisions, steps 6-8 will follow.
2. Choose your ideal terms: 6 months, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years.
3. In confidence, submit your completed application securely online or by fax to 1-888-689-9862.
4. Medicard will notify you of the credit decision by phone.
5. Medicard will confidentially fax or email the documents to you for signature.
6. You sign and return the documents with a void cheque to Medicard.
7. Medicard pays your doctor directly.
8. Your monthly payment is electronically debited from your chequing account.
Applying for financing is as simple as filling out the online application.
You can request financing for a portion or Medicard will finance the complete procedure.
Most patient's applications are quickly approved for funding - in fact, financing can be approved while you are at your doctor's office!
Medicard's professional and experienced staff is committed to helping patients obtain financing for the medical treatments they want. Contact us if you have any questions or if we can be of assistance.
If you have any questions please read our Patient financing FAQsor contact us and a Customer Service Representative will be happy to help you.
2009 Medicard. All rights reserved.
